TI Training

The people you serve deserve trauma-informed care.

Training topics

Trauma-Informed Care 101

Foundational training in trauma, PTSD, and trauma-informed care principles and practices.

Half- and Full-Day Training

A deeper dive into the application of trauma-informed care principles in specific professions and industries.


Continuing education units for licensed professionals to understand trauma and deliver trauma-informed care. 

While other organizations offer trauma-informed care training, TI Training is unique in its emphasis on effective implementation, the importance of addressing workforce distress, and the balanced recognition of trauma as both a painful and distressing experience and a potential catalyst for positive change. While we primarily focus on behavioral health and criminal justice, we offer training tailored to a number of industries and professions:

Behavioral Health


Harm Reduction

Mental Health


Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement


Community Corrections


Other Settings

Healthcare/Allied Health

Housing and Employment 


Children and Family 

What are the people we train saying about Trauma Informed, Inc?

“It was an excellent training series. I learned a lot about trauma and how it can impact people . . . The layout was great! People really had a chance to discuss issues that were ‘dear’ to them.”

“The entire training series was timely, informative and extremely relevant!”

“Qualified facilitators, open discission, informative content, great breakout groups, personal experiences, and data and visuals.”

Contact us to arrange a training session that fits your needs.

Email: info@traumapolicy.org